Friday, March 31, 2017

Spring Highlights at ACA

This semester has flown - we are already in our final quarter! Before we know it, we will say "goodbye" to this school year and "hello" to summer! 

Here are some highlights from ACA: 

Experience Us

Many students visited ACA for the day in late January during "Experience Us." This is a day for children to discover what it is like to be an ACA student. After Experience Us, 12 new students enrolled at ACA for the second semester. We also welcomed a high school foreign exchange student this semester. 

Round Up

Information Open House for Begindergarten and Kindergarten was a huge success! Children came with their parent/guardian to see the classrooms and sign up for Round Up. We had record attendance this year, as 45 children attended Round Up and were assessed for our Begindergarten or Kindergarten Program. Enrollment paperwork is being submitted and we are excited with the families who are choosing to educate their child at ACA next year.

National Scholastic Read In

Our elementary children filled the lobby and read together in early March. We recognize the importance of reading daily and understand that children improve their reading ability in correlation with the amount of reading they do. It is exciting to watch the progression, as 1st-3rd grade children are learning to read, and 4th-6th grade children are reading to learn! Make a priority of nightly reading with your child. Allow them to see you reading at home, giving them opportunity ask questions about what you are learning through your reading. 

March Missions Madness

This month we had a different missionary presentation in elementary chapel each week. Mr. Mike and Sue shared about life in South Asia and how people live differently there. Mr.and Mrs. Ballard shared what Wycliffe Translation Ministries are doing worldwide to translate God's Word to further the Gospel! Mr. and Mrs. Gonnerman taught the children that in Japan, Buddha is a god the people learn about and worship, though sadly they believe they need to ring a bell as they approach the stone statue to avoid startling him when they come to pray. How awesome, we told our students, that the one true God that we teach about at ACA is all-knowing and all-present; we never startle or surprise our God! We ended the month with a missions fair, led by Mrs.Schroeder (7th -9th grade English teacher) and high school student council members. We hosted 11 ministries who shared with our students ways that they could get involved; including Joppa Ministries, Freedom for Youth, Agape Pregnancy Center, Hope Ministries, On With Life, Youth for Christ, Pulse 101.7, Fellow ship of Christian Athletes, Alpha Women's Center, Ruth Harbor and Hidden Acres Camp.

Missions Fair

Gonnermans to Japan

Graduation Exploration!

On March 22 our Begindergarten-sixth grade students visited the classrooms to learn what their grade may be like next year. The teachers gave the students an overview of the topics that will be covered and the field trips they may experience, followed by a Q & A time.  This is our ninth year holding "Graduation Exploration" at ACA. You may have heard from your son or daughter the things they anticipate for the 2017-2018 school year! 

"Students in the Spotlight," our elementary talent show, will be held on Friday, April 7 from 12:10-1:20 p.m. Fifteen acts will highlight elementary student talent. Parents and guardians are invited to attend, along with our elementary student body. This is an exciting opportunity to focus on the various gifts and abilities that children have been given by the Lord. The acts will range from instrumental music, gymnastic routines, a stand up comedy routine highlighting math jokes, and an original student skit. PTF is offering lemonade and popcorn for $1.00 for the children to enjoy during the event. Students may bring their money next week to their homeroom teacher if they would like to enjoy this special treat. The PTF funds have helped provide many things for ACA, such as student seating, A-Z Reading subscriptions, and materials for the library. 

God is moving in a mighty way! Thank you for allowing your child(ren) to be a part of the Christian education that is offered here at ACA. As we approach Easter, I wish to remind you that we as faculty and staff believe and teach that Jesus Christ died, was buried, and He rose again!  He is ALIVE, powerful and present here at ACA. We love and pray for your children, our students. We praise God for each of you who sacrifice to ensure your child(ren) is/are learning the truth of His word daily here at Ankeny Christian Academy!

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